Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It's Been Too Long...

Life has been taking a major toll on me emotionally, but it's all good. I know God has my back and he has a plan for me in the long run. I just have to stay faithful to his word and Delight myself in him. Every other aspect of my life is decent though! lol.

I'm really starting to treat myself to special things here and there. Buying shoes, new make up and getting my hair done. Since we're on the topic of hair, I've been rocking my real hair for almost 3 weeks now. It's time to braid it back up! I'm neglecting it like crazy. I only co-wash when I remember to and I haven't did a protein treatment in forever.

So today I'm going to be giving my hair all the treatments it needs because tomorrow I'm weaving it up again =) I'm going to be using a new shampoo called Hair One. I know it's not thaaat new, but I wanted to see if I can find something sulfate free that actually makes my hair feel good. Then I'm going back to my original DC which is Silk Elements mega moisture condittioning treatment. Exciting! I can't wait for my new doo. It's them same as my Christmas sew in. I liked the hair so much I hd to do it again.


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